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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Contoh Makalah Suku Dayak Bakumpai dan Suku Sakai

Selamat siang sobat Berbagi. Kali ini, saya akan memberi kalian sebuah contoh makalah yang menjelaskan tentang Suku Dayak Bakumpai dan Suku Sakai. Semoga membantu bagi anda yang sedang bingung buat makalah tentang Suku Dayak Bakumpai dan Suku Sakai. Di bawah ini adalah contoh makalahnya :

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Independence Day

Halo, sobat Berbagi.... Saya akan memberikan kalian sebuah pidato yang saya translate sendiri ke Bahasa Inggris. Ini dia pidato yang saya berikan :

Om Swastyastu,
Good morning, my friends.  First of all, let us praise and gratitude the presence of almighty God and I also thank you for the opportunity given to me to deliver my speech with the theme of "Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia."
As we all know the Nation on August 17, Indonesia will celebrate Independence Day with raising a flag ceremony to honor the heroes who have fought for our country to be independent and free from the shackles of colonialism, the colonized us for hundreds of years.
But the sense of freedom interpreted differently by our generation is only interpreted on August 17 only, the actual argument or opinion is not appropriate, because the meaning of freedom not only do we feel or interpret the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, but also in all the days we've been through with this in our country.
So do not just assume that we are independent and interpret only on August 17, because of them that you can drop us a spirit of independence this country and we should respect the heroes who have fallen and who had been granted independence to all of us, so we had to develop a sense of independence it every day so that we can defend our country so it is not colonize anymore.
Well, that’s my speech about Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. I hope for what I said to be useful for all of us.
Thank you for your attention.
Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi Om